How do I make goals for myself that don’t overwhelm or discourage me?

5 ways to make goals for yourself that don’t overwhelm or discourage you

1. Set Goals In 2-Year Eights:
“Many people seem to think that 2-year stretches of time are long periods of time, instead of small windows of time. I think this is a pitfall of why many people don’t achieve their goals. They take their goals too literally and set them up in a very long timeline. The problem with this is that it is really hard to see progress that way. Some days I feel like I’m making no progress.

2. Brainstorm Different Traits To Achieve Your Goals:
Brainstorm different traits or attributes you wish to develop or change to help you accomplish your goal.

3. Start Your Goals Small:
Once you have identified your traits, start with just one stmt of action that you want to get done for the day or week. Work from there. Work your way up.

4. Choose Wisely:
Choose to add goals and actions you will commit to, that will produce the results you want to achieve. Remember that every day, you will have varying degrees of energy, and some days you may need to cut back. Having this thought process will save you time and increase your chances of accomplishing your goal.

5. Update Your Goals As You Change:
Always re-evaluate your goals at least once a year, to see how they are going and to see what needs to be added. Make any necessary adjustments.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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