How do you motivate yourself and concentrate daily?

5 things that I do to motivate myself

1. I will not look at my mobile phone until after I go to sleep.
I consider my cellphone as a bad habit and the last person I want to see before I go to bed is a perfect picture of how I really look. So I put it out of my sight as long as possible. I also do not take it into the bath with me and I wait for a while before I take it out of my bag. I can guarantee that this discipline has helped me to have more focus and concentration on my studies.

2. I’ve clearance over my goals and in this way I keep them in focus and also avoid small fears and worries that distract me from accomplishing my goals.

3. I say out loud (in my mind) the things that I have to get done.
As I am writing this message, I am reminding myself of everything that I have to do and I remind myself of how much I have to get done. The knowledge that I have to get everything done makes me concentrate more and more. I tell myself what I have to do and the tasks start to become more specific and real.

4. I visualise the success of my goals and tell myself that it is possible.
I ask myself how it will feel when I will achieve my goal. When I realise that it is something that I really want to do I keep telling myself, “This is going to happen. You are going to get there.” When I have enough courage to believe that it is possible to reach my goal, it gets easier and easier to stay focused on it.

5. I allow myself to have small wins and remind myself that I am human and that everything is going to get easier as time passes.
I used to be so scared of the small victories that I didn’t take many of them. However, today, I am more confident and I have more trust in myself. I encourage myself to get to the next step and it doesn’t really matter that it is small, as long as it is significant to me.
These are just some of the things that I do to motivate myself and concentrate daily. You might need something else to motivate yourself and to concentrate. You can read on to find out what motivates me.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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