What are some tips to improve texting speed and accuracy?

5 tips to improve texting speed and accuracy

1. Decide which type of communication you want to use. Texting is an excellent medium for quick responses, instant sharing, and, most importantly, direct contact. But speed doesn’t matter unless you’re texting with someone you don’t know well. If you do know the person well, the trick is to pick up the phone and call.

2. Turn off texting distractions. Whether you’re surfing the Internet or playing a game, you’re likely to notice your texting rate quickly diminish if you’re doing both at the same time.

3. Avoid answering questions or asking questions in advance. Because it’s hard to recognize that someone’s typing right in front of you, it’s natural to keep typing even if you haven’t received a response. Texting requires lots of concentration and you’re likely to miss a prompt. Take a second to answer a question or stop to ask one.

4. Text as you talk. When people text, they typically have their thumbs hovering over the keys. Don’t assume your audience is aware of when you pause.

5. Stop sending messages while you’re driving. The human brain is hard-wired to recognize speech sounds. But what does a blinking cursor make you think of?

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Samarth Harsh

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