How do I sharpen my thinking power and improve my work efficiency?

5 ways to sharpen my thinking power and improve your work efficiency

1. Trust yourself
The single biggest asset of the leader is the courage and trust they have in themselves. When we trust ourselves and create the environment that nurtures this courage, then we will be propelled to bring out the best in ourselves. This trust in oneself is cultivated by identifying our goals, assessing our ideas, managing our resources, and justifying decisions to ourselves.

2. Simplicity is the key
Being busy is not the same as being productive. Simplicity is a key requirement for efficiency in any job. The reality is that no one cares about what you did yesterday as much as what you’re going to do tomorrow. So why should your to-do list be so complex? Here’s a simple rule: if you can’t do it in less than two minutes, leave it for the next day.

3. Create a goal, take your time
Goal-setting is a much misunderstood process. It’s not easy to set a goal, let alone follow it through. As difficult as it is, being honest with yourself is the only way to achieve your goals. You need to have the courage to acknowledge where you’re falling short, and make an honest evaluation of your progress. That will give you the edge you need to make your next move.

4. Allow for setbacks
When you feel that you’re in a rut or stuck in a particular situation, allow for setbacks. Take time out, and reset your goal. Don’t give up your dreams before they’re fully baked. Be aware of when you’re falling short of your goal and figure out a way to improve it.

5. Promote diversity of thought
Don’t get stuck in a rut. Take the time to learn from people who have different skills and experience. Learn from them, consider the challenges they face, and ask them how they solved them. Focus on improving your strengths, and avoid working on your weaknesses.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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