What are some motivation hacks?

Here are some motivation hacks
1. Write it down.
Sometimes we need a visual to break things down so we’re not thinking about the whole picture. Write down the three steps that you want to accomplish.

2. Visualize yourself doing it.
The key to goal setting is to feel a sense of completion. As you visualize yourself completing the task you just wrote down, then you start to believe that you can do it, and that confidence spreads. And once you have the confidence, you’ll be able to perform the task. So, visualize yourself completing the task.

3. Identify a reward.
Once you have completed the task, imagine your reward. You want to have the incentive to continue trying and be successful. Maybe it’s a celebratory dinner with friends, or a weekend getaway to a local resort. These small rewards help keep us motivated.

4. Celebrate small accomplishments.
This is a big one. Celebrate your successes. Write down your accomplishments and celebrate them on a regular basis. Write a mini-roadmap for your next goal so that you know exactly where to go.

5. Keep a journal of your journey.
I have made it a habit to write in my “To Do List” journal every night. It’s a way to get my brain inspired by what I want to do with my life. Writing these things down actually gets them out of my head.

6. Enjoy the journey.
Don’t get so focused on the destination that you forget to enjoy the journey. We don’t usually have time to get there unless we enjoy it, right? Sometimes we don’t realize how much of a habit setting is until we actually start to want to change. It can be overwhelming to go through the process, so why not enjoy the process while you’re in it?
My last motivation hack is one that you should probably never do.

7. Plan to fail.
This one is to keep yourself from getting discouraged. You’ll set too high of goals that you will not be able to accomplish. You’ll feel defeated and lose motivation.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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