How do you change an indecisive person’s mind?

4 ways to change an indecisive person’s mind

1. Stand firmly in your own values
Take one or two days to really sit down and think about your own values and what you really believe in. Don’t get emotional. This is not the time for people-pleasing. And don’t use the H-word. Make sure you know exactly what you’re talking about. Do a little research on a subject, read up on social issues, etc.

2. Make sure you’re not afraid of them
Now is not the time to change your mind because you’re afraid of disappointing someone. This person’s perception of you and of your beliefs is based on other people’s experiences with you. They have a snapshot of you. Now is not the time to change your opinion just because they might feel otherwise. You can use the same process when considering anything else, such as the facts, the evidence, or the well-thought out debate.

3. Watch for fear of loss
Again, stay away from that ‘cognitive dissonance’ trap. If you are fighting because of fears of losing something you don’t have, don’t do it. It’s just another fallacy. Life is short and you might regret what you decide to do in the future.

4. Leave room for the people who love you to have a different opinion
Lastly, leave space for people who love you to have a different opinion. It’s not up to you to change them, it’s their choice, but they do love you and may feel hurt if you insist on changing a deeply-held opinion that means a lot to them. But don’t change your mind because they do. It’s simply not a good time to have this discussion. This is probably the hardest one.
The strength of our convictions can bring us through rough times. When we stay true to them, we stand stronger. So, stand firm. Know who you are and what you stand for. Just don’t use it to hurt someone else’s feelings.
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