How do I turn fear into productivity?

5 ways to turn fear into productivity
1. Measure your progress. When you fear starting something new or giving it a try, there is always the fear of judgment. When you know that you are a person who is not easily judged, you can move forward. Set specific goals and measurements that let you know if you are on track to the end or where you might need to make changes.

2. Challenge yourself. One way to deal with fear is to put yourself in a situation where you know you will fail. This way, if you do fail, you will be prepared to pick yourself up and get on with it. This can be challenging because it’s hard to let yourself fail, but if you try, you are more likely to succeed when you feel prepared for the task ahead. Also, if you fail, you can identify what you are doing wrong and not repeat it.

3. Take more risks. Instead of trying to replicate someone else’s idea, find something that is uniquely yours and that has never been done before. The trick is to be willing to lose money and be rejected. There are many excellent ideas out there, but if you don’t take risks, you never create something unique and new.

4. Be passionate about the project. Once you decide to take on a project, it’s natural to feel some anxiety. However, if you are passionate about the idea and you are dedicated to it, you will find a way to overcome the fear and do what needs to be done to succeed. To be successful, you must become attached to the end product.

5. Don’t give up. The key to overcoming fear is to do what you need to do, day by day. Do what you think is the right thing and don’t give up. Remember that you can do it.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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