How to avoid distraction?

Here are some ways to avoid distraction

1. Redirect your attention

Redirect your attention by closing or opening the application or switching to another application. Switching between two apps can be a distraction, but what about switching between more than two apps? Switching between apps often results in the distraction being focused on a single function. Keeping the app open will help avoid this distracting diversion.

2. Practice focused activities

In order to ensure distraction-free studying, give your mind a task, rather than randomly jumping to different apps. Consider the benefits of a focused mind such as increased brain power, enhanced learning, and increased attention span. Schedule time in your calendar and on your phone for the task. Try not to find other distractions during these focused activities.

3. Do a brain dump

Create a list of the apps you frequently use. Divide the list into two columns: “Apps I use a lot” and “Apps I use sometimes.” Add the first three or four apps that are in the “Sometimes” column to the “Apps I use a lot” list. Then, “cull” the “Sometimes” apps. The final three or four should be the “apps I use a lot” list.

4. Set an App Timer

Using a timer to prevent distraction can also be a helpful method. Set the timer on your phone for 15, 30, or 60 minutes. Then put your phone on silent and do something productive, like cleaning your room, while you listen to the timer. As you get closer to the end, leave your phone on silent so that you don’t see the timer count down.

5. No distractions

Now that you have your distractions under control, there are certain activities that can’t be interrupted, such as reading, listening to music, or even speaking. Do these activities while listening to the timer. As you reach the end of the timer, return your phone to a “do not disturb” mode.

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Samarth Harsh


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