Stop Body shaming your kids.
As parents, we play a vital role in a child’s life.
But we often forget the role that we play and start neglecting the importance of being kind with our kids. When children are constantly shamed about their appearance, they lose their confidence. The lack of self confidence arises due to the lack of constant reassurance and appreciation from their parents. Judging kids on their appearance including their colour, height, weight in any form is Wrong and it’s high time parents need to understand this.
When people are insecure about their own body they start body shaming others in order to feel good about themselves and this is a butter truth. Kids also start feeling insecure about their own body when they are constantly mocked and shamed by their parents and relatives. Losing self confidence, increasing self doubt, developing social phobia, body dysmorphic disorder and eating disorders are very common consequences of kids and teenagers who are insecure about their body. Since Parents are the first teachers of their child, they shape a child’s personality and perspective about their own self.
Body shaming negatively impacts child’s mental health.
It’s high time we stop mocking our children for their physical appearance.

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