What to do if you’re feeling lonely

Have you ever felt lonely despite being around a large group of people? The truth is that no matter how many people are physically present around you, you can feel lonely at any time and anywhere. However, we’ve put up a guide to help you connect if you’re sick of feeling alone and are eager to connect.

1. Begin with small talk
Small chat has a poor reputation, although it plays a significant role in establishing rapport. Try just texting a buddy or the supermarket checkout clerk to ask how their day is going. Yes, it may seem really unpleasant at first, but these little exchanges can make you feel more at ease in social settings.

2. Socialise with like-minded individuals
What interests you—video games, music, or books? A great method to meet and interact with like-minded individuals is by joining a club.
Check to see if any organisations are being run in your school, university, or neighbourhood community facility.

3. Spend time with some animals.
We can easily feel linked to and cared for by animals. Pets, especially dogs and cats, help soothe loneliness and reduce stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. You could always start a pet-minding business if you’re not ready to take on the burden of pet ownership. Additionally, since everyone likes animals, socialising with a pet is a surefire method to make new friends.

4. Write it down
Writing can help you deal with loneliness because it allows you to analyse your feelings and have a better understanding of your mental state.
Writing is a helpful technique to deal with emotions of isolation, whether you’re jotting down songs, collecting your ideas, or downloading them to a Word document.

5. Give ‘yes’ a go
Without even realising it, you might start declining invitations to hang out while you’re in a spiral of loneliness. They don’t really want me to reach that conclusion, or you may have had similar views. However, if you try saying “yes,” you might discover that you appreciate things much more than you anticipated.

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