What is positive parenting?

Positive parenting is an approach to child-rearing that is rooted in empathy.

Key aspects of positive parenting include:

validating your child’s feelings and experiences
encouraging and praising good behavior
avoiding harsh punishments for unwanted or unacceptable behaviors
including your child in talking through problems and finding solutions
Parenting styles
While there are many approaches to parenting, these four parenting styles tend to be the most distinct:

Authoritative. It is defined by open communication, clear rules and limits, parental affection, and the inclusion of children in problem-solving. The authoritative parenting style is most associated with positive parenting.
Authoritarian. This parenting style is often defined by rigid rules. punishment over praise, value placed on the parent’s authority, and limited family communication.
Permissive. This style is characterized by passive parents who may act more like friends than authority figures, as well as a lack of expectations, rules, or consequences.
Uninvolved. Parents may be too busy, distracted, unmotivated, or emotionally indifferent toward involvement in their child’s life, sometimes to the point of child negligence.

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