From strategy to strategic plan

A strategy is usually translated into a strategic plan. The strategic plan consists of five elements, namely vision-mission, objectives, core values, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and policy & responsibility. The vision and mission align an organization. In this way, people in the organization can join forces to increase efficiency. A company’s core values reflect what it is good at and what it is proud of. A plan is furthermore nothing without well-defined objectives, the fourth part of a strategic plan. Suitable KPIs are selected to monitor progress towards the objectives.

There have been lots of scientific and practical studies on this topic by Michael Porter, C. K. Prahalad, Gary Hamel and many more, from a learning and developing point of view. Michael Porter in particular has become known for his vision of strategy.

According to him, a strategy is aimed at cost leadership, differentiation and focus. These strategies are known as Porter’s three generic strategies. Porter’s strategies basically describe the trade-off of strategy between cost minimization, product differentiation strategies and market focus.
Strategy methods, theories and tips
What are the most known and used theories and management models to improve strategy? What are their success stories and practical tips when you apply these? These posts are all about great strategy tools and methods that can help you to achieve your goal or understand certain aspects that come with strategic planning.
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