The Demonstration-Performance Method of Teaching

A student-instructor once asked, “If I had time to learn only one method of lesson presentation, which one should I learn?” The answer is the demonstration-performance method. Why? Well, the primary concern of an instructor is training. Training, in large part, is devoted to the development of physical and mental skills, procedures, and techniques. For example, flying aircraft, interpreting blueprints, driving vehicles, welding, building, shooting, repairing, solving problems, using a slide rule, filling out forms – all of these, and many, many more, can be best taught by using the demonstration-performance method
The explanation and demonstration may be done at the same time, or the demonstration given first followed by an explanation, or vice versa. The skill you are required to teach might determine the best approach.
Consider the following: You are teaching a student how to do a forced landing. Here are your options:
Demonstrate a forced approach and simultaneously give an explanation of what you are doing and why you are doing it; or,
Complete the demonstration with no explanation and then give a detailed explanation of what you have done; or
Give an explanation of what you intend to do and then do it.
Student performance and instructor supervision are always carried out concurrently during the initial stages of training. A student should not be allowed to make a major error at this time. Your supervision must be close enough to detect the start of an error and you must correct the student at that point.
the student should be allowed to perform the task in small segments with you providing close supervision of each segment.
The evaluation portion of the demonstration-performance method is where students get an opportunity to prove that they can do the manoeuvre without assistance.
For the simulated forced approach you should tell students that you will be simulating an engine failure and that they are to carry out the entire procedure including all checks and look-out.
While the student is performing this manoeuvre you must refrain from making any comments. Offer no assistance whatsoever, not even grunts or head nods. You must, however, observe the entire manoeuvre very carefully, so that you can analyze any errors that the student may make and debrief accordingly.
Give a perfect demonstration or if not practical show finished product. Example: When teaching map preparation, show a map with a cross-country trip all marked out – students will see the standard expected in preparing their own maps.
Give a step-by-step explanation of the required task – use reasons, examples and comparisons to make the explanation clear.

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