“A good manager is a man who isn’t worried about his own career but rather the careers of those who work for him.”

The idea that a good manager prioritizes the career development of their employees over their own career advancement is a common and widely accepted concept in modern management theory.

Effective managers understand that the success of the organization depends on the skills, motivation, and job satisfaction of their employees. They recognize that investing in the development of their staff can lead to higher productivity, better quality work, and increased employee retention.

This approach also fosters a culture of trust and respect between the manager and their team, which can lead to better communication, collaboration, and job satisfaction. By focusing on the careers of their employees, a good manager can create a positive work environment that benefits everyone in the organization.

That being said, it’s important to note that a manager’s own career advancement is not mutually exclusive from the career development of their employees. In fact, a successful manager is likely to be recognized and promoted based on their ability to effectively manage and develop their team. Ultimately, a good manager should strive to find a balance between their own career goals and the goals of their employees, in order to create a thriving and successful organization.

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