Difference Between Developed Countries and Developing Countries

Developed and Developing CountriesCountries are divided into two major categories by the United Nations, which are developed countries and developing countries. The classification of countries is based on the economic status such as GDP, GNP, per capita income, industrialization, the standard of living, etc. Developed Countries refers to the soverign state, whose economy has highly progressed and possesses great technological infrastructure, as compared to other nations
The countries with low industrialization and low human development index are termed as developing countries.

After a thorough research on the two, we have compiled the difference between developed countries and developing countries considering various parameters, in tabular form.

Content: Developed Countries Vs Developing Countries
Comparison Chart
Meaning A country having an effective rate of industrialization and individual income is known as Developed Country. Developing Country is a country which has a slow rate of industrialization and low per capita income.
Unemployment and Poverty Comparatively Lower Generally Higher
Rates Infant mortality rate, death rate and birth rate is low while the life expectancy rate is high. High infant mortality rate, death rate and birth rate, along with low life expectancy rate.
Living conditions Good Moderate
Generates more revenue from Industrial sector Service sector
Growth High industrial growth. They rely on the developed countries for their growth.
Standard of living Generally Higher Comparatively Lower
Distribution of Income Equal Unequal
Factors of Production Effectively utilized Ineffectively utilized
Definition of Developed Countries
Developed Countries are the countries which are developed in terms of economy and industrialization. The Developed countries are also known as Advanced countries or the first world countries, as they are self-sufficient nations.

Human Development Index (HDI) statistics rank the countries on the basis of their development. The country which is having a high standard of living, high GDP, high child welfare, health care, excellent medical, transportation, communication and educational facilities, better housing and living conditions, industrial, infrastructural and technological advancement, higher per capita income, increase in life expectancy etc. are known as Developed Country. These countries generate more revenue from the industrial sector as compared to service sector as they are having a post-industrial economy.
Definition of Developing Countries
The countries which are going through the initial levels of industrial development along with low per capita income are known as Developing Countries. These countries come under the category of third world countries. They are also known as lower developed countries.

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