Many young professionals enter the industry of investment banking with the passion and aspiration to become the “Wolf of Wall Street” (IB). Some of them get an epiphany after a few months or years of working 100 hours a week: there is more to life than only high salaries and an opulent way of living. They understand that they should prioritize their personal lives and work to improve the lives of others around them before it’s too late.
Private Equity:- For positions in private equity (PE), there is fierce competition among investment bankers. They need corporate finance expertise developed at large institutions. Their bank’s performance will be taken into consideration: PEs often seek out IB candidates who have been rated professionally higher than their peers for at least two years.
Asset Fund Management :- Asset fund managers could also think about employing analysts and people with sell-side expertise, particularly if the individuals have a CFA and a knack for networking. Candidates that are chosen may have to accept a wage reduction at first.
Some experts who desire to leave the banking industry are frequently fortunate enough to land jobs in their own banks’ asset management divisions. Obtaining sufficient and pertinent experience is crucial before making a move.
Venture Capitalist:- You may select your hours, projects, and investments when you work as a venture capitalist. You must, however, exercise caution while picking startups for your investments. After building up a fund with your IB income, you should only enter the venture capital industry.
Hedge funds:- This position is for you if you have experience setting trading strategies and have tried your hand at auditing trading. Hedge funds, however, have stringent performance requirements and will fire any trader who incurs even minor losses. This means that former bankers may find it challenging to work for these institutions.
After completing the MBA and having the experience of Investment Banker, the person can shift his/her jobs as per their will. They can definitely explore the numerous vibrant career options in their life.

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