How can I achieve my goals and dreams?

5 ways to achieve your goals and dreams

1. Think about your goal.
If your goal is to achieve happiness, it will probably involve being successful. People have different goals, and they change over time. I sometimes write goals down and have a diagram, or timeline to help me get there.

2. Make a goal chart or chart.
I made one for each of my personal goals to get my CFP designation. It helped me stay focused and to check off the task as I was achieving it. One of the tasks on my chart was to get promoted at work. This was especially helpful when I was learning a new role. I can see myself moving from an entry-level position to a new job with the training I needed to do my job. I was able to track my progress by looking at the chart.

3. Share your goal with a friend.
If you’re working towards something and someone is working towards the same goal with you, it can be helpful to let them know what you’re working towards. Sharing your goal with a friend will help keep you accountable and can provide other people with positive encouragement and help.

4. Track your progress.
Have a journal that you can write in to keep track of your progress. As I learned, the more progress you can see, the more likely you are to keep going with your goal. I also used a spreadsheet to track my goals.

5. Get feedback from a coach.
My CFP exam prep coach helped me to be successful on the exam. She saw things I didn’t see and she had great advice. It was great to have someone to bounce ideas off of and someone to check your work and give you feedback. You might find it useful to ask a friend or family member who has been in your shoes to coach you.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh (

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