How can I improve my networking skills?

4 ways to improve your networking skills

1. Be flexible
Let’s face it. Business networking is difficult. It’s a mix of face-to-face interactions and telephone exchanges. And as much as we may want to speed up the pace and efficiency of these exchanges, they’re always going to be fraught with nervousness and anxiety. Not to mention fear of rejection.

2. Never stop learning
The skillset required of a successful business person hasn’t been significantly updated in more than 50 years. You need to constantly keep learning, expanding your knowledge and enhancing your skillset. The old saying “you can’t master something unless you’re willing to practice” isn’t just a cliché — it’s the reality. You must regularly seek out new challenges, so you can continue to learn and grow. It’s important that your networking skills are constantly updated to reflect the needs of your current business.

3. Be transparent
In a lot of ways, networking is similar to dating. But unlike dating, which is usually comprised of one-on-one interactions, networking almost always involves an element of making connections with people with whom you don’t have a personal relationship. Therefore, it’s important that you don’t take shortcuts, including double-dipping.
Don’t ignore people because they might not know anything about your business. Just remember, no one’s perfect.

4. Give and take
Unless you’re the type of business owner who’s rich and well-connected, you’re going to have to build relationships and connections. Sure, you can try to market to them on your own, but that’s not always going to work. So you need to be flexible with your networking approach.
You might take meetings with specific people in a certain industry, but if you don’t have a connection in that industry or don’t know anyone who’s already familiar with the industry, you may not be able to get results. This means you’re going to have to be open to other people’s approaches.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh (

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