How can I improve my productivity and manage my time effectively?

5 ways to improve your productivity and time management

1. Identify what you need

Everyone will need different things to get through the day. So do the research and make sure you have everything you need to be productive and in control of your time.

You need a cup of coffee and your favourite song to wake up. You need your phone to check emails. You need an appointment to look forward to. You need the gym to keep you fit.

2. Prioritise your time

Decide on a priority list of the tasks that you need to do. Have a personalised routine that works for you.

It could be:

Get up, check emails and log in to your work- related accounts.

Get dressed for work and have breakfast.

Book a meeting with your boss.

Log on to your computer and log in to your work accounts.

Give yourself a break after an hour or two of work.

3. Set a work schedule

Think about your work hours. For example, are you in the office on Mondays? Are you there on Friday? Are you in on Mondays and Tuesdays? Are you in on Wednesdays?

4. Make your workspace your home

No one ever said you can’t bring your home into the office! You need your own space to do your work.

5. Utilise your talents

Whatever it is that you do, find a way to make the most of it.

For example, can you teach yourself something? Do you need to learn a new language or to improve your Spanish or French?

You need to be your own best coach and your own best self to make the most of your time.

If you have questions about work and productivity, we’d love to hear from you.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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