How can I improve my time management skills fast?

Here are some ways to improve your time management

1. Do a daily planner

Time management is the key to success in this job. Taking breaks, preparing time to make things happen, exercising daily are some of the ways that I’ve practiced to get the best out of my time. The most important part in managing time is to write everything down. I used to do a planner (not daily planner) for my goals, however, to get the most out of my time, I use a weekly planner for now and I do the same for each day. It has been one of my best time management tools.

2. Stop working when you feel done with it.

The little break is often the most valuable time you will ever invest. If you have a busy day and you feel you are done with your work, stop working. Instead, take a break, have a meal or whatever. I call it “fullstop”. When you are done working, stop work. There is something called “fullstop”.

3. Get the right supplies

A good piece of equipment can make the difference between achieving a deadline and missing it. For me, it is a good old notepad with a pen, pad of paper, planner, ruler, notepad, spiral notebook, etc.

I used to use notebook and hand writing and now I work with software that allows me to make my goals, my tasks, my calendar, and my list, all in one place.

4. Use a task manager

When I have so many tasks in my todo list, and sometimes I feel overwhelmed by it, I have to do something to break it down and manage it properly.

5. Build a learning organization

I like learning organization in the form of teams. It is not a typical job, but in this job the learning organization is an essential part of the work.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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