How can I measure my motivation?

3 ways to measure your motivation

1. The “You-can’t-make-me” test

Motivation exists at every level, even where you don’t expect it to. I’ve met people who don’t seem to have any motivation at all. But those who know how to stimulate their motivation can motivate themselves to go in any direction. If I really want to get to the gym, even if there are no other gym users in sight, I’m motivated to go there because I know other people are there. Sometimes when I’m too lazy to go to the gym, I’ll put on a cute outfit, put on some make-up, apply my best lip gloss, and enjoy the vanity of getting ready before I actually leave the house. This is where I hope others can pick up a thing or two from me.

2. Walking up that first flight of stairs

Motivation can also come from an external source. Motivation is everything we have within ourselves, and no matter what that source is, the effects are the same. I’ll be the first to admit that getting dressed for my first flight of stairs is not the most motivating thing to do every day. It’s okay, though. You can do it. Those same tiny steps I took that felt impossible then can feel doable now. Little by little you will find your motivation level to be where you want it to be.

3. Work ethic

I’m biased on this one, but I think hard work is what makes great people great. The effort someone puts in to improve themselves is the only way you can say you’ve worked. People are motivated by lots of things. But the No. 1 motivation that everyone wants? To be the best they can be. One way to do that is to create a goal that you want to achieve, and then tell others what you’re going to do in order to achieve that goal. Your family and friends can help you work towards that goal by cheering you on every step of the way. Everyone needs to be accountable for their goals, and a little help from others can take us to the top.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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