How can I overcome negative opinions of others and self-doubt/self-criticism?

5 ways to overcome negative opinions of others and self-doubt/self-criticism

1. Start small. You want to start in the real world.
The most important step for us, for you, is to just start. We also agree that being self-critical is a powerful tool, but if you want to actually make a difference, you have to overcome your own negative thoughts and negative thoughts about yourself.

2. Focus on today, right now.
I’ll take one of your biggest “doubts” that you just have, and write down the steps for how you can improve it. Then, tomorrow you’re going to take action on that “doubt,” and next time you see this item, you’ll know why you have it and what you can do to improve it.

3. Think of everything in the world to be grateful for.
You already do this, but it’s easy to forget. To keep yourself focused, list at least two positive things each time you think of a “doubt”. Be aware of all the good things you already have and do whatever you can to show gratitude for them.

4. Be grateful for your body.
Many women I’ve worked with have worried that their bodies aren’t good enough to attract a man. To change this, remind yourself every day that your body is a miracle. If you can manage to believe this, you will be much less likely to criticize yourself.

5. Commit to improving one thing at a time.
If you’ve been working on the same issue for a while, you’re going to be amazed at how quickly you see improvement. If you’re willing to be patient, you can improve a lot with a little effort.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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