How can I stop myself from watching YouTube and playing Fortnite so much on my phone during class time?

5 ways to stop yourself from watching YouTube and playing Fortnite so much on my phone during class time

1. Cite YouTube as an extracurricular and do it after school: The most recent legislation that was passed would require schools to allow extracurriculars to take place after normal class hours. This means that you have a chance to do your homework and still fit in an extracurricular.

2. Stay off your phone when I’m talking to you: Keep the camera down so that you don’t accidentally record something. During long phone conversations, ask other students to fill the silence for you. Having more eyes on your work means you are less likely to miss something important.

3. Pick a time to “make stuff” with you and your classmates: The group can meet at your apartment or a park or somewhere near campus. Give each other assignments and encourage your classmates to help. Also, just because you’re not in class doesn’t mean that you aren’t learning. You can learn a lot by working with your friends.

4. Join a different club that requires homework.
You don’t have to finish all of your homework from a club meeting. Although there’s only so much you can fit into a school day, it’s better to stop and have fun than to start when you are running out of time. You’ll learn more about your school, your friends and your self than you will in a lecture.

5. Consider alternatives to Fortnite: Fortnite is the most popular game for students and an obvious distraction. Switching to a different game, such as Call of Duty or PUBG, could be beneficial to your time management skills. You’ll learn new strategies and have fun.

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Samarth Harsh

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