How can motivation change your life?

Here are some ways in which motivation change your life

1. You start being nicer to yourself

Self-judgment is at the heart of many mental illnesses, but getting a lot of unhelpful self-judgment doesn’t seem healthy in the long run. If you recognize how much self-judgment goes on in your head, you are on your way to changing your behaviors and getting out of a rut.

2. You stop feeling guilty when you quit

People find guilt to be like an aversion tool used against us by others to create compliance with a desire or need. We engage in guilt by associating it with our desire to do something. This may be required to get people to comply with our idea, or to make ourselves comply with the opinions of others. Guilt in a mindful way can actually promote more empathy and less envy. (pp. 9)

3. You stop fearing success

Do you let the fear of doing something, or failing, keep you from trying something new? If so, that fear is playing on your insecurities, and these insecurities keep you stuck in the rut. A motivating desire makes you feel worthy of your power and your ability to make changes in your life. This was key in changing the way I thought about my desires.

4. You give up the feeling of being unnecessary

Habits are often based on fear. As you practice this new process, you notice that you start to stop noticing that feeling that you are necessary. You feel less that you are needed. For some people, this is a huge step to making change, and for others it takes practice. When you stop feeling this way, you will find yourself more valuable to yourself. You will be noticed for who you are and not for what you do. This feeling is crucial for becoming a happier person.

5. You are ready to see life as meaningful

Purpose is one of the big aspects of our lives. When we have a greater understanding of how to live our lives, and how to take care of ourselves, we will have the clarity we need to experience more purpose and happiness. When you see things in this way, it is easier to get out of bad habits and into good ones.

6. You learn to have compassion for yourself

Self-love is often our greatest obstacle. Self-love is not the self-indulgence of a narcissist. When you love yourself, you will be more able to forgive yourself for when you need to make changes, and you will be able to take care of yourself better.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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