How can one stay motivated when you have no passion for what you’re doing?

4 ways to stay motivated when you have no passion for what you’re doing

1. Meditate or pray for motivation
Countless times I’ve prayed for motivation, or asked for divine intervention. I have never asked for divine intervention without being thankful for it when it came. And I think the world would agree that it is in times of trouble that we have the power to truly learn and grow from our mistakes.

2. Let yourself feel depressed if needed
Just because it’s easier than feeling sad, angry, or hurt is no reason to forget how to feel those feelings. If you feel a need to be depressed, or just feel bad, allow yourself to experience that for a moment.
Just knowing how to feel all the negative emotions does more good than not knowing how.

3. Find new things to do
What will you do with your days if your passion is gone? What can you do if you no longer have the strength to keep going?
Determine what you love doing, and do it until you lose interest. Create new activities that you love, and eventually they will not make you as happy as they once did.

4. Immerse yourself in things that take you out of your current reality
There is so much we take for granted here in America, that we don’t realize. Being able to walk anywhere and go out to eat whenever you want is something most people living abroad would die for. Learn about the customs of others so that you can appreciate them.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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