How can one support oneself to be stronger?

Here are some ways in which one can support oneself to be stronger

1. Like a baby that learns to walk, the person also learns to walk with each failure.

Through repetition and practice, we can become stronger. To walk strong we must look at all the
previous tries and think about what we did wrong and what we could have done differently.
Then make a list of those mistakes and look at them with a focus. Think of the things that made you feel defeated and how you should avoid them next time.

2. There is a big difference between saying ‘I’m never going to give up’ and just saying ‘never’
Many times we make this mistake of choosing a fight that we can’t win. By ‘always’ starting off on the losing side it doesn’t give room for options. What is the action you can take and what is
your strategy when you are losing? How can you fight or win the next fight?

3. Accept that it is going to hurt
Success comes with a cost. The pain and sweat that goes into success is very real. Every little
effort you put in will have its positive and negative impact. We need to accept this without
feeling guilty or ashamed. If we don’t accept this, we will never be satisfied with our lives.

4. Have good aim
Like it is said ‘shooting at the target without aiming at all is like shooting at the wall.’ This was said by an Olympian shooter, it’s true. With good aim, you will get it in the target. And every
day will be a constant process of improvement.

5. Carry yourself with dignity
A winning attitude and pride in one’s own self is the path to victory. With this attitude, you can face the world with confidence. Good self-esteem leads to good health.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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