How can we grow our mindset and take a good decision in a bad condition?

3 ways to grow your mindset and take a good decision in a bad condition

1. Thinking that you are only responsible for your fate and you cannot do anything to change it is not healthy.
If you think you are only responsible for your fate, and nothing else, you might get depressed. If you don’t think you can change anything in the external world, your feelings will get discouraged and you will get defeated easily.
Think that you can take decisions and change things. Everyone can make a change in a bad condition, you just have to put the same thought process into a positive frame, that you did into a bad frame. It is a shift in thought.

2. Be more tolerant and understanding.
People don’t like change. They see a sudden change as a loss, they see failure as a loss, people don’t like change. Even if you are aware of the change and you believe you can survive it, you don’t go out of your comfort zone, just because of that.
Look at the growth and learn from it and accept it. It is the power of perspective and tolerance that allows people to survive and grow. If you are continuously looking at all the negative aspects in life and you start thinking about it, you will start getting defeated.

3. Practice problem solving, and the right mindset.
It’s easy to look at a situation and see only the problem, but that is not a healthy approach. Instead, look at it as a problem solver, as a problem solver, you will see that most of the time, the solution comes from the most simple solution. You have to find that solution and you have to try it out, so that you don’t have to look for it from others.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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