How can we keep our mind focused?

5 ways to keep your mind focused

1. Enlist positive thoughts
Consider the power of positive words: People who think positively tend to get better results from a wide range of pursuits, studies have shown. Imagine what you would tell your child who’s prone to getting upset when they don’t get what they want: “I hope you get what you want, because I’m sure you will. “
You can also train your brain to think positively.

2. Focus on your movement
Your brain only has a certain amount of attention per day, and the more you use your attention, the more it becomes limited.
To maintain focus, give your mind a reason to keep going — and some rewards along the way.
To strengthen focus, for example, volunteer at an organization or help out at your child’s school or synagogue. Take on a new project or challenge.

3. Use your visual memory
People with obsessive compulsive disorder may have a hard time picking out objects in a visual scene, or they may have a hard time processing new information.
Some people have difficulty remembering details from conversations, and others may have a hard time perceiving object shapes.
So it’s important to keep your visual memory intact.
A simple way to get into a visual mindset is to draw out the movement of your hands while you’re reading or talking. Try to imagine how your body moves while you do something.

4. Stay focused by paying attention to your breathing
The act of holding your breath — either through shallow breathing or hyperventilation — interferes with attention. Researchers found that people with anxiety, in particular, have a difficult time focusing.
So, instead of trying to focus on your breath, try focusing on your body. Take a few deep breaths, and then notice how you feel. How does your body feel? Focus on the physical sensations and the mental effort it took to do it.

5. Practice the 4-7-8 exercise
One of the most effective ways to stay focused is to take at least four minutes to focus on something that’s productive.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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