How can you maintain self-control?

Choose to act in ways that add value to your life.

If you find yourself having a strong impulse to engage in a negative behavior like splurging, remember that you have the ability to choose to act in a way that is more helpful to yourself and others. You don’t have to live in constant stress or worry about doing something that’s going to make you feel unhappy.

In the above example, the wise businessman figured out that a new pair of shoes wouldn’t make him feel any better about his life, and perhaps would make him feel worse, so he didn’t go out and buy them.

Instead, he chose to keep himself occupied with other pleasant activities and keep his mindset positive so that he could stick with his original plan to get the book.

How to choose to do good:

If you want to make a good decision for the greater good, choose a decision that’s going to add value to your life. Whether that’s quitting an unhealthy habit or working on a major goal, making a decision that’s going to bring happiness and success to yourself and others is the smartest choice you can make.

Do the right thing.

Want to be wise? You need to take care of your own needs. If your needs are not met, then you will have a difficult time putting the needs of others before your own.

Think about it. If you’re running on empty, it’s very difficult to listen to someone else’s needs.

What happens if you have a decision that will help a loved one, but it also hurts you in the short term?

One thing you can do to avoid falling into this trap is to be aware of your own needs. If you need to fill up on something, be aware of what your needs are, and then make a decision that will fulfill those needs.

Think about it. If you’re running on empty, it’s very difficult to listen to someone else’s needs.

In the same way, you can choose to spend some of your time doing something you enjoy so that you’re happier, and you’ll be able to do a better job at the other responsibilities that are important to you.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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