How do I build a strong personality in 2023?

5 ways to build a strong personality in 2023

1. First, every successful leader must have an understanding of the people they lead. As I said in the book, leadership is all about people. It’s about them, not about you. You must first understand the character and personality of the people you lead. This doesn’t mean you don’t develop an impeccable talent for delivery. It does mean you must put people first, not just in words but in deeds and attitudes.

2. Secondly, an understanding of human behaviour is vital in every business, whether it’s a family business or a business you manage. Our companies are ruled by people, so understanding what people want is essential. Most businesses talk about diversity and inclusion, and yet very few are truly inclusive.

3. A successful leader also has to be able to communicate in a clear and understandable way. The ability to communicate is an essential attribute of all successful leaders. People will take heed of your message if you make sure they understand it. You must think and speak in a way that is easily understood. You must also keep the ears of the people you lead very attuned to what you are saying and doing, so that they can understand what is going on.

4. Lastly, a successful leader must have a strong personality. I have found that leaders with strong personalities are more effective. Many leaders are afraid of being blunt and yet such a style makes them very effective. They understand people in the way they want to be understood.

5. The quality I like most in a leader is to lead from the front. And the person leading from the front has got to be the person with the broadest shoulders and the broadest reach. This can only be achieved when someone is willing to take on responsibility, to be the one everyone turns to when something has gone wrong or when something is needed. In a team, this person can take the first step, but in a team it’s good to have the one who is ready to take the next step in front. This person has got to be an extraordinary leader, both in terms of passion and ability. This is not about being perfect. People look up to leaders because they see them as decent people who will do the right thing.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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