How do I cultivate a positive mindset?

5 ways to cultivate a positive mindset

1. Read good news
One of the best ways to stay positive is to read news that speaks about the good things happening in the world. For instance, news reports, books, and documentaries about really exciting scientific discoveries, thrilling sporting achievements, the wonderful people we know and love, or engaging media and entertainment that is not only entertaining but truly engaging as well.

2. Socialise
Socialise with positive people to develop a more positive mindset. Your mindset is made up of the stories you tell yourself about yourself, so be sure to swap some of your negative stories about yourself with some positive ones.

3. Set goals
Set daily goals so you are reminded about what is really important in life. If you make the effort to follow through with your goals, you will be building your positive mindset around the habits you are trying to develop.

4. Ask for help
Don’t try and do everything on your own. Reach out to your friends, family, colleagues, or even complete strangers to help you get to where you want to be. No one is perfect, so if you can’t help out yourself, ask someone who can.

5. Be positive
No one is perfect, and you can never have all the answers. If you constantly feel like you are falling short and you have made mistakes, then it is natural to feel negative, depressed, and full of self-doubt. The antidote to negative thinking is positivity. If you remind yourself that you are already a very good person, a whole bunch of amazing things will start to happen to you.

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Samarth Harsh

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