How do I develop an effective goal-setting mindset?

5 ways to develop effective goal-setting mindset

1. Build realistic goals
Making goals unrealistic can lead to feeling pressured to reach them all the time and making it more likely you’ll not succeed. Instead, create reasonable goals that you can work towards. Use SMART goals, a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

2. Create a weekly action plan
Set realistic weekly goals and the action plan you’ll take on a daily basis to meet them. This will keep you motivated and prevent you from waiting until the last minute.

3. Break your goals down into smaller steps
Break your goals into smaller steps. This will help you to stay motivated and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Break down the goal into manageable segments and implement one small action step each day. For example, if your goal is to walk 20,000 steps per week, you might break it down to:
10,000 steps per week – take 10,000 steps throughout the day

4. Daily challenges and wins
When goals are broken into small, manageable steps, it becomes easier to identify and celebrate small wins along the way.
When you go for a five mile walk every day, don’t wait until the end of the week to assess your achievement. And don’t wait until you reach your goal to celebrate it. Rather, celebrate each small achievement along the way and use it as an opportunity to set the bar higher for the following week.

5. Track your progress
Track your progress with a journal or app to see the progress you’re making toward your goals. This will help you feel motivated to stay motivated and to continually make progress.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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