How do I focus on one task while working?

5 ways to focus on one task while working
1. Eliminate distractions
The most important part of being focused is identifying distractions. How do you solve that? The best thing is to turn off all the screens in your environment.
Have you ever walked into your home and all your TVs are playing? Or your laptop is open? Go do something else for a while and shut it off.
If there is something that you find very distracting, make a simple list: For each distraction, write down what it is and what it takes to avoid it.

2. Keep a checklist for everything you do
You can’t focus when you don’t know what you need to do. Do a checklist for everything you do and mark a star when you complete it. This helps you to be more productive. You can try this with your to-do list as well.

3. Use the Pomodoro technique
Time management is still an important issue. How do you beat procrastination? Use the Pomodoro technique, which requires you to do one activity for 25 minutes.
I suggest doing this for five days a week. Just set your timer and use this as an alternative to a traditional timer. You can break the 25-minute intervals into 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes and so on. And it’s a simple, easy to remember method that helps you focus on one thing for a limited period of time.

4. Know the difference between bad distractions and good distractions
Good distractions are the ones that help you focus. It’s important to know which of the distractions are bad. For example, if you get distracted by text messages or social media notifications, then those are bad distractions.

5. Try to be present in your present state
Have you ever tried meditating? Focus on your breath. You can use this as an alternative to a coffee break when you are in a café, say. If you are not in a café, you can use an app like Headspace, but the basic idea is to be aware of your mind and body.

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Samarth Harsh

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