How do I learn more effectively?

5 ways to learn more effectively

1. Practice Makes Perfect
Practice makes perfect. The more you do something, the more efficient and effective you become. So focus on one thing a day at a time. Look at this one thing on a day to day basis and make it part of your routine.

2. Drastic Actions
I call these dramatic actions because it gives them a feeling of urgency and provides an adrenaline rush. These are actions you’ve always wanted to do but never thought you’d ever be able to do, but you can now. These action steps include:
Go down to your local homeless shelter and help them by cleaning up and renovating one of their rooms.
Contact the local homeless shelter, hospital, food pantry and and homeless shelter in your city and volunteer for a few hours per week.

3. Just Do Something
There are days I feel like nothing will get done. And then I force myself to do something that will make me feel better and there I am unstoppable!
“If you do not like the way things are, you can always change the way you react to them.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt
You can do anything. So take a few seconds, do something, and watch yourself get better.

4. Ditch the Attachments
Ever heard of the quote “It’s not what’s happening to you right now that makes you miserable, it’s what you do with it?”
What are you doing with your life and why is it so miserable?

5. Learn, Learn, Learn!
“We all talk about growing, learning, improving our skills, being more knowledgeable about the subject. But, you must do something about it if you really want to do something.” — Dale Carnegie
Learn from a guru, take a course online, buy a book or check out one of the thousands of educational websites available today.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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