How do I make my self-confidence?

Here are some ways to make yourself confident

1. Know yourself

Remember that you are a wonderful and special person. Know that you are so talented and have potential to go far in life. If you forget that then everyone can see the truth. Learn to believe in yourself and love yourself so much that you are able to let go of any other negative influences or feelings.

2. Do not compare yourself with others

If you keep comparing yourself to others then it’s impossible to achieve your goals. It doesn’t matter how successful a person is, or how wonderful a person is. It’s your dream and you have to live it for yourself. You don’t need to like or dislike another person to live your life. Try to forget about the negative stuff about others.

3. Have fun

Remember that life is so short. It’s hard to achieve your goals if you keep trying to compare yourself with other people. Do you want to see your friends and family for the last time? Do you want to work for 10 more years, only to be fired because the company is going under? Or do you want to die an early death because you are being sick and you have no time for yourself? Think about the times when you were happy, and spend all your time with your loved ones, if you can’t do that it’s okay to say “enough is enough”.

4. Be honest with yourself

To be honest, no one is perfect. Most of the people will tell you they are 100% perfect. Try to be honest with yourself. Some of us are less than perfect, and we are nothing special if you don’t give up.

5. Understand yourself

Knowing yourself can be so helpful in overcoming your challenges. When you know your weaknesses and strengths it’s easy to choose the right path. To achieve your goals, it’s important to know your dreams and learn to live them. Try to understand yourself better and forget about any negative influences.

6. Focus on your goals

Sometimes we get lost in the world we’ve built for ourselves, and in the world we think is supposed to be perfect.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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