How do I manage my time effectively as a student?

7 ways to manage your time effectively as a student

1. Attend classes
If you don’t go to classes, you will not learn anything. And your degree will be worthless.

2. Keep to a schedule
Schedule your time; don’t let it slip by your ears. Every student’s schedule should be different because no student is the same.

3. Use technology wisely
Use technology wisely to enhance your life. If you’re struggling with your schedule or your life, use technology to help you with everything.

4. Go out and find a place
Find a place that has food and that you like; it’s easier than asking other students.

5. Join clubs
One of the best ways to get involved in the campus community is to join clubs. There are so many clubs on campus that can fulfill so many different interests.

6. Create the best social media profile
You will never know who is a potential employer until you put yourself out there on social media. This can be one of the most important things you can do to help yourself out and it may bring you connections that you may not have thought you would.

7. Join clubs
Gaining more connections and getting more involved will help you in your search for a job or further your education.

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Samarth Harsh

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