How do I tackle self-doubting?

Here are some ways to tackle self-doubting

1. Be honest with yourself
Self-doubt is often a result of impostor syndrome. This is when you think you aren’t good enough.
To deal with it, first identify what the issue is. Are you doing enough?
Are you still being overwhelmed?
Understand how you are sabotaging yourself by over-thinking.
Anxiety is a great example of self-doubt. You have to know your worth to conquer it.

2. Make a list of your accomplishments
Think of things you are proud of. Your experience.
Tell your story in as few words as you can.
We naturally hesitate to share our accomplishments because we don’t think we are good enough to be proud of them.

3. Do the thing you fear
One way to beat self-doubt is to do something scary. You can use the dreaded yoga pose or bungee jump.
We often have big ideas, but we don’t follow through because we fear failure. You have to follow through and give it a try.
Afterward, if you feel scared, it’s okay to do something else. And then, there are those things you can’t even tell people you tried.

4. Identify your strengths
You are different than everyone else. Instead of comparing yourself to others, think about what makes you different.
Write down 3 or 4 characteristics that make you different.

5. Don’t listen to the critics
You’re not meant to do this alone. Connect with the people around you and find a group you can learn from.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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