How do you concentrate on a particular thing without getting easily distracted?

5 ways to concentrate on a particular thing without getting easily distracted

1. Have clear vision
Look directly at your task at hand without looking anywhere else. It helps that you can see only the tip of your nose when you’re writing, but having really clear vision of the screen, whatever it is, is the best way to be as focused as possible.

2. Avoid distractions
Can’t go on the internet? Can’t go through your email? Can’t use social media? It helps to remove these distractions so that you can concentrate on your task.
Some alternatives are working in silence, turning off your phone, leaving your Twitter open in another window and shutting down your desktop at the end of the day.

3. Check the problem
Sometimes the temptation is to look for an answer to a problem, but that can be a distraction that stops you working. You can solve problems, or find new ones, by asking yourself some questions.
“Have I finished what I was doing?” “Is there more I can do?” “Is there something I’m missing?”.

4. Don’t fret
In this fast-paced world, it’s tempting to fret about the task at hand. But don’t let it control you. You have to stay calm, because that helps your concentration.
The Stoics called this fine state of mind “contemplation”.

5. Look for a solution
Many of us spend far too long thinking about problems. It could be an alternative way of tackling them. It’s easier to recognise a problem and think how to solve it than it is to let it take over your life.

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Samarth Harsh

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