How do you discipline yourself?

5 ways to discipline yourself

1. Set the right goals. I struggle with setting goals because the old me was a big perfectionist, and so anything I didn’t achieve perfectly I set as a “bad day”.
That’s not productive. Get to the end of the month and do a happy dance when you reach it all.

2. Re-consider your point of view.
Being busy makes you feel important. Doing a task with all the right tools and seeing it through to the end takes you out of your head and allows you to live in the moment.
I often feel guilty not doing anything, which is a terrible place to be in. That’s why I now take time to really listen to myself. Maybe I am on the sofa with my son watching The Lego Movie and feel that what I am doing is exactly what I should be doing.

3. Step away from the job and reconnect. It’s very easy to get caught up in what’s going on in your job. This is a great time to reconnect with what you value, the things that make you feel fulfilled, the things that make you happy.
I start a lot of my sentences with, “Let me go and have a moment to myself,” to remind myself that I am human and it’s OK to take a step back.

4. Forgive your schedule. The demands of work are similar to the demands of parenting. As a woman in her thirties, you often feel you have to work all the time and “be there” all the time.
That’s wrong. You are actually a better mother if you have the sense to let things go and take the pressure off yourself.
Find balance and do everything in moderation. It may be time to hand off your “busy” bucket to your partner or friends, and allow yourself to remember what it feels like to do nothing.

5. Listen to your body. Your body tells you when something is wrong. I sometimes feel that I have to answer the phone, take calls and attend to requests in the middle of the night, but when you listen to your body it lets you know what’s right and what’s not.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh (

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