How do you learn good habits and practices?

5 ways to learn good habits and practices

1. Set aside time to learn new things.
Most people have the same schedule every day. Make time in your day to learn something new. Do it in the morning when you have a clear mind. It’s easy to come up with excuses not to do it. But that’s when you miss the most opportunities to learn.

2. Ask questions.
If you’re getting ready to take a new class, consider what you already know about the topic and what you don’t. Ask questions like:
What do you like to study when it comes to technology?
How did you start learning?
What are you not learning? Take the time to ask questions and do some research. It’s likely there’s plenty of stuff you can learn about.

3. Set a schedule.
Most people just make time to read a book or watch a TV show. But they don’t carve out a block of time for learning something new.
It can be tempting to just pick up a new hobby, such as a photography class or chess club. But don’t forget about the technology that already exists.

4. Use technology to learn.
For many, technology makes learning easier and more enjoyable. Don’t think you’re too old for technology. You can learn to code for free on Khan Academy and use online resources to study a foreign language or play a new video game.

5. Try a class.
You don’t have to attend a whole new class to learn something new. Try a class that’s offered at your local college or library. In our Learning Methods department, we offer an online class to help people learn how to learn a new skill.

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Samarth Harsh

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