How do you make yourself mentally strong this year?

Here are some ways to make yourself mentally strong
1. Every morning look out the window and ask, “how can I improve my life today?”
Every morning when I look out my window, I ask myself, “what can I improve my life today?” I also take time to look at my city from the vantage point of a building or from the window of a bus. I have found that changing my perspective and putting it into positive perspective has been very helpful in keeping me more optimistic and in a good place. For example, I have found that if I walk around my city and visit the different neighborhoods and see where people live, where they shop, and the shops that they patronize on a daily basis, I get a clearer idea of the area I live in and how I fit into it. This is useful because it allows me to maintain my optimism about life and it helps me appreciate and respect where I live.

2. Focus on what you can control.
When you focus on what you can control, and what you are responsible for, rather than on what you cannot control, it makes you mentally stronger. Life is full of things that we can’t control, but you are responsible for your own well-being. You have the power to control how you deal with the events and circumstances that you can’t control. And you have the power to help yourself be mentally stronger by choosing a mental posture that is open to help you handle things that happen to you in a way that benefits you.

3. Be accepting of things that happen to you.
Because things that happen to us are outside of our control, we can choose whether to focus on the things we can’t control or we can choose to focus on the things we can control. We choose, consciously or unconsciously, to focus on the things we can control because we see that our lives will be much easier if we do so.

4. Schedule your work to make it more manageable.
Schedule your work to make it more manageable. It’s much easier to control what you can’t control if you commit yourself to making sure that you stay on top of your commitments.

5. Know that there is a reason to believe.
What is important to you is worth fighting for. If you have any hope of being successful in life, then you have to have hope. And the secret of hope is believing that you can make it. If you want your life to change for the better, then you have to believe that you are capable of changing it. And the most powerful things in life are powerful because they make us believe that we can change.
And to be mentally strong and have hope is to believe in yourself. So whether you believe in yourself or not, make it your goal to believe in yourself.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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