How do you motivate others?

Here are some ways to motivate others

1. Pay them to do something
It’s not called ‘pay day’ for nothing! If someone is paid to do something it is easier to motivate them. Paying them to do something that they want to do will make them want to do more of that thing, and that can lead to them even starting it. You can then pick up where they left off and you’re the master of your own fate.

2. Make it your own
If you’ve got a non-member friend then once you’ve got them on board you can show them how to do something. Your friend will be looking to you to help, so show them how to do it your way. Let them go with the flow and reward them as they achieve the goal they’ve set themselves.

3. Give them a motive
A lot of the time, a non-member gets to a level where they are just doing it to please others. If you are friends with them and they have no motivation it will never happen. As soon as they do start it is because you’ve made it their goal and you’ve given them a reason to keep at it.
4. Give your friend a reward
Make sure the reward is tied in with the goal. You want them to feel happy about the progress they are making. Reward them if they finish a task. Tell them to just get them a coffee or a cappuccino. Tell them you’ve got one just round the corner or on the way to them if they need one. Take them out for a coffee or you can buy them a coffee.

5. Give them a challenge
Another way to motivate a non-member is by making them a challenge. They need to overcome a challenge to keep them motivated. Set a goal for them to improve and give them a reason to do it. A challenge is a great motivator.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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