How do you stay productive on weekends without sacrificing leisure time?

Here are some ways to stay productive on weekends without sacrificing leisure time

1. Get more done than usual.

You probably made more work for yourself in the office than usual, so take the challenge of
increasing your output by doubling up on the amount of work you do.
Set aside a chunk of the weekend to stay on top of your workload. Tackle emails, read and respond to your manager’s response, review reports, plan out your assignments and more.
If you find yourself tempted to slack off because of a lack of work on the to-do list, don’t! You’ll feel guilty if you don’t stay on top of your work and get to the end of the weekend before your energy runs out.

2. Savor your free time.

When you work on the weekends, it can feel like you’re losing out on a lot of quality time.

Taking a deep breath and giving yourself permission to feel that way could save you from feeling
guilty about taking time to relax and recharge.

If you’re tired or you’re in a negative mood, take a walk or a bubble bath to refresh yourself. Take a few minutes to read a book. If it’s a holiday weekend, plan a few fun events to celebrate with
your family and friends. You’ll enjoy the festivities even more knowing that you put in a little
extra work at the office.

3. Set aside just enough time for yourself.

Sometimes we work so much that we don’t have time to rest or decompress from the week. The one-third of people who experience a mental health problem often have a workload to deal with that leaves them with little time for themselves.

You’re not any less “productive” if you spend three hours working, but the moment you feel stressed, overwhelmed or overworked, it’s time to step back and recharge. If you’re feeling too tired to work on a project, ask yourself if you’re at a stage where you need to take a vacation and catch up on sleep.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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