How does setting achievable goals impact motivation?

Ways in which setting achievable goals impact motivation

1. Your actions will tell you whether you’re on track or not

Perhaps you want to get fitter, eat better and run faster so that you can improve at cross country. But your pace at the start is far too slow. A concrete timeline and concrete actions will give you something to shoot for, rather than an abstract goal which might never be achieved.

However, you won’t achieve every little thing all at once, especially if you’re aiming for a short-term goal like a 10k race. So it’s important to take into account how quickly you’re moving towards your target, and what you need to do to improve.

2. You’ll have an emotional stake in reaching your goals

Trying to achieve a goal can be extremely rewarding. It can also be a source of frustration, frustration and a sense of lack of achievement. So if your goal is really far off, you might need some help to keep pushing.

Your support system will have the ‘connective tissue’ which will enable you to keep going when it’s hard, and still motivate you when you’ve reached your target.

If your goal is just outside your reach, it might be better to set your sights a little higher and set a more realistic, attainable goal. When you reach it, you’ll feel so much better for what you’ve achieved, and you’ll find you can still have fun while achieving it.

3. Taking action will keep you focused

Motivation is key, but when you feel like you don’t have anything to do, that could actually be a good thing. It can give you a feeling of being on ‘autopilot’ and losing track of time.

However, when you’re feeling motivated, the distraction of a task can often help you to finish it more quickly and efficiently, allowing you to go back to feeling relaxed and enjoying the rest of your day.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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