How is it possible to develop a positive mindset in the face of adversity or criticism?

Here are some ways to develop a positive mindset in the face of adversity or criticism

1. Have a goal in mind

Your ability to have a positive mindset starts from identifying your goals and having an exit plan to achieve them. If you are not aiming to reach a particular destination, you will probably spend a lot of time and energy chasing windmills. Similarly, if you know your goal but are not sure how to achieve it, you will likely spend more time pondering on how to achieve it.

2. Spend more time dreaming

When you dream about a goal or vision, it is easier to imagine it and make it a reality. This dream state, where you have no feeling, you need to do this for only 30 seconds. You should feel no pain, no discomfort, no doubts.

3. Stop identifying with what others say about you

When you are constantly criticising yourself and talking to yourself negatively, you start to identify with it. This will not get you anywhere. Instead, identify with something positive like your family, your job or your friends.

4. Focus on what you do well

Be happy with the things you do and are happy in your profession. This will make you more confident. Also, when you are confident, you will get more respect and recognition.

5. Find your purpose

It is not enough to be happy. In fact, if you do not seek something higher than yourself, you will have a hard time being happy. You need to be happy because you are where you are supposed to be. You are supposed to love what you do.

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Samarth Harsh


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