Here are some tips to follow while adopting the firm parenting approach. Depending on the age of your child, choose how you would talk to him about repeated trouble spots so that you can jointly solve the problem.

Consciously engage with your child to nurture a positive relationship. The effects will be immediate and immense.
Remember that children will be able to respect the limits set by a parent who they see as caring and warm, and not those set by someone they see as being constantly angry with them.
Be clear on what you consider appropriate for your child and communicate the same with clarity.
Stay in the moment when you are responding to your child. ACT immediately. Say your child is upset because you want him to stop playing to do his homework.
Acknowledge your child’s feelings (Use phrases such as, “You are disappointed/ sad/ angry”)

– Communicate the limit (Clearly set down norms such as, “Your time is up” / “You cannot go by yourself”/ “These clothes are not allowed”)

– Target an alternative (Use phrases such as “We could play at the park”/ “Your brother could come along”/ “You can wear these for tomorrow’s party )

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