Perhaps you despise your physical appearance. Or perhaps you simply dislike the way your physique appears. It’s not just you. It’s difficult to learn to love your body when you truly don’t, and it’s not always as straightforward as the body positivity movement might lead you to believe.
It will take time and conscious effort to go from “I hate my body” to something more positive. Here are a few simple, practical ways to start:
1. Do not forget to reward yourself!
Don’t deprive yourself of your favourite foods. The majority of the time, try to eat healthily, but on a Friday night, if you feel like soul food, go ahead. The key to living a balanced existence is to not deprive yourself of your favourite chips or pizza at your favourite restaurant for the rest of your life. Just go if your family or friends want to eat burgers and fries. If you really want a cookie and there are any available at work or school, simply have one. You won’t die from it.
2. Regular exercise.
Again, maintaining overall health is a critical first step to feeling well both inside and out. Find a workout you like, and try to perform it as often as you can. You don’t have to turn into a goddess of fitness. Simply work out at your own pace and according to your own terms.
3. Avoid comparing yourself to other people.
You are who you always will be. Instead of wasting time wishing you had other people’s bodies, start admiring your own. You may find it difficult to accomplish this, but if you don’t, you’ll be wasting your time.
4. Do what you love and what you’re good at.
Engage in activities that make you feel proud of yourself, whether they be artistic, literary, culinary, or otherwise. Go after your passions and find a career you enjoy. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but if you engage in things that appeal to your abilities and give you a positive sense of fulfilment, you’ll also feel more confident.
We can all learn to love ourselves a little bit more because self-love begins with you. If you love yourself, your life will become more positive. You are the only one who can stop you.