How will I manage and motivate my employees to achieve business goals?

Business goals are most often defined by the core values and purpose of the business, and each employee brings his or her own beliefs and opinions to the table. The role of a manager in this dynamic is to create a climate of understanding in the workplace so that everyone is on the same page and working toward the same goals.

Recently, our employee engagement survey revealed a slight decline in engagement. I asked some employees what the most common cause of that was and I got a great response. A few of the replies included: the loss of multiple executives; new shifts at work; new procedures and policies; job requirements and expectations; and the physical environment, i.e., sound, temperature and lighting.

What can you do to make employees more engaged at work?

Some simple steps to increase employee engagement include:

– Choose leaders to mentor and coach the people under them

– Set time aside each day for professional development

– Build trust in the workplace

– Take an interest in others’ feelings, and encourage others to be proactive with their careers

Being a manager is not easy, and the role requires many skills. I suggest hiring an executive coach to help you work through your challenges and become a better manager and leader.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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