How would I set my goal on a day-to-day basis?

First, we all need to get clear on the end result we want to create. For instance, I’m creating a video course called ‘Building a Website for New Businesses.’

This means I must have a very clear understanding of what success looks like, who I want the audience to be and what I will need to do to get there.

Now, let’s look at how I can figure this out.

Step 1: Write your target

I want my target to be people who want to learn about building websites. So that might be 1,000 people (1000 viewers is good).

Step 2: What do you want to know?

If I know what I want, I can figure out what I need to know. For example, I could come up with a list of what people might be interested in hearing about:

1. How to build a website

2. What tips they should know

3. Questions to ask

4. Websites to build

Step 3: What action do you want me to take?

For me, it’s either go to my website or check out some of the online courses that I have already created.

Step 4: What resources will I need to help me get started?

The most useful and affordable resource will be an online webinar, but I can also use free videos, free templates and free samples (for instance, templates that I have put together to use in my courses).

Step 5: How will you measure your success?

I will measure my success based on how many people complete my courses and how many people follow up with a message asking me more questions about how they can get started building a website.

I will also use a variety of tools and reporting tools to check in on my progress and to measure my performance.

Tip: Whenever you write your goal down, make sure you work backward to answer the five questions listed above. This will help you to stay focused on your goals and your daily actions.

Having a daily target will also help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. When you’re overwhelmed, your desire to accomplish your goal is low and that makes it easy to give up. But if you put your target down on paper each day, it will help you to keep focus.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh


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