Yeah you read that right. A very common issue with parents is that they do not say “NO” to their children.
Fulfilling each and every demand of the child is harmful for both the parents as well as the child.This particular behaviour of parents hurt the child in the long run. If a child is given everything at a young age, he/she may become discouraged after not getting what they demand in the later life especially in the workplace such as a raise or a promotion. For example, Parents often buy their children what they demand
in order to avoid handling their tantrums. This may lead to a negative impression on the child as he thinks that now he can get anything if he cries or throws tantrums. As parents, there is no doubt that we always want the best for our children. But it is a serious matter of concern if certain behaviour leads to a negative impression the child and may harm him in the long run. Instead of fulfilling their demand, it’s more profitable to make them understand why they cannot buy them this or making them realise that their demands are unrealistic. Today, even a 5th standard child owns his own phone.Why? Giving a screen at such a young age is so disasterous for a child’s mental health. Children nowadays are suffering from lack of concentration, being physically weak as the outdoor activities have become nil and inability to make friends since friends are now also replaced with a screen. As a parents, our priority should be our child’s mental health. Let’s start saying “no” to our children if they demand anything that may lead to a negative consequence in the future on their mental health. IT IS OKAY TO SAY NO WITHOUT FEELING GUILTY OF IT.

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